b'Ivy Geranium IvyLeagueSee planner for listing BalconFocusColorful, large single flowersCompact dark-leafed ivy geranium.cascade over the edge of hanging baskets and Stays neat at retail with improved shelf life. window boxes on this heat-tolerant trailing ivy. Height 8-10 in. / Spread 12-14 in.Naturally self-cleaning. Height 10-12 in. / Spread 20-26 in.Ice Dance Pink Pink 24 BurgundyRedRed IcePurple Light Red Shocking Pink RoseShocking Blue WhitePrecision Ivy geranium well suited for 4.5 in. pots and large baskets. Medium compact habit holds its shape from greenhouse to garden. Specially selected for early flowering and exact uniformity.Height 10-12 in. / Spread 14-18 in.Burgundy Burgundy Dark Burgundy IceLavender Blue Pink Pink FlamingoRed Red Ice Rose 32 Ruby Salmon Dark White Red Eye'